Sisterhood of the Traveling Stash

Follow the Box Around the Country

Friday, June 30, 2006


OK, I've finally made my Stash decision; boy, was it hard to chose among so much lovely yarn goodness! Pics & details on my blog:

The Box will be sent on to its next destination on Saturday. I wonder who the next lucky person will be???

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Late Addition, Too!

I'm another late addition to the Sisterhood, and I'm really excited to be taking part in this. Thanks for letting me participate! I'm also glad that there's a post of the box, because I was a little confused about the instructions about adding something to the outside of the box, but it's crystal clear now.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm in

Sisters - add me to the list - I'm in! Have sone some recent stash enhancement which will post about when I get home - so check out it out

Mail on

Friday, June 23, 2006

Sisterhood of the Traveling Stash

How many of us are left to receive the wonderful box of stash-y goodness?

What could it be?

That's what I thought when the mailroom called to tell me I had a package. What could it be? Had I ordered something and forgotten? No, I had already received everything I ordered recently. When I picked up the box, I thought, "Wow! When did I place an order this size? Surely, I would remember something like this!" Then it hit me; I was in receipt of the Traveling Stash! As you can see, the parrot is all agog with curiosity. I can hardly wait to tear into it myself. Oh, happy day! :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Oh Where Oh Where Has the Giant Box Gone?

O.k. ladies. Once I leave the house this morning the stash will be on it's way to the next person. You can read about the lovely visit I had with all the yarn on my blog.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Oh Happy Day

Let me start out by saying that I’m such a doofus. That fact is well known to my fambly and friends, but I thought y’all should know that too.

When I joined the Sisterhood, I gave our fearless leader my office address as anything larger than a shoebox delivered to my home has had a tendency in the past to disappear. And then, I promptly forgot that little tidbit. I check in on the Sisterhood blog often, watching the box make its way hither and yon across the country.

Well, this morning, security called to say that a big box had arrived and was waiting for me in the receiving room. I was a bit perplexed. Had I ordered something that I’d forgotten about? (Yes, it has happened before.) Something would come in a big box? No, I’m all caught up on any orders. Whatever could it be? People, at the time, I honestly had no clue.

I wandered my way over to receiving, and there it was. Head slap! It was The Box. For those of you who hadn’t had the joy of receiving it yet—it’s huge! I know, I know, everyone says that, but seriously. IT’S. GINORMOUS. Our security guy asked if I wanted him to carry it out to my car. Heck, no! To my office, and make it snappy mister! (Just kidding; love our security guys, they’re real sweethearts and will help you out at a moment’s notice when you’re in a pickle.)

Obviously, I couldn’t get any work done with all the noise the box was making. The yarn needed attention! After all, it had traveled across the hot, dusty desert to visit me. And the yarn was grateful. The yarn was petted and exercised well over the lunch hour, and got lots of attention from my co-workers. It all went back in the box for the trip home for more petting and exercise tonight.

Pictures will be coming on my blog in the next day or so.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The stash has left the building

Well, what a box of goodies is on it's way to the next lucky lady in line. Who will it be? HMMM>...Pics of my seriously amazing score exchange will be on my blog later today.