Doin' the Happy Dance!
It's here! It's here! The box came to my house!!!
I had just checked the blog today to see what was going on with the stash, and I read Jennifer's post and looked at her blog to see pictures. When I read that she had put a skein of Socks That Rock into the box, I just about drooled! I have been wanting to try that since I have "heard" so much about it online. I even left a comment about how I CRAVE that skein of yarn, but what were the chances it would still be in the box when I got it?
Even as I was typing that comment, the box was waiting for me at the post office!!! I was so excited when I saw it! I couldn't wait to open I didn't (wait, that is).
Let me tell you, I hunted and hunted for that one skein. I began to worry, because the box had split a seam and I thought maybe the S.T.R. had escaped. Finally I caught sight of it, and now it is sitting here at my keyboard where I can look at it and pet it occassionally. I won't ignore the rest of the box, it's just that I was SO wanting some of this yarn and I couldn't believe the timing of the box's arrival.
Anyway, the box is here. I will ponder the contents over the weekend and probably have it on its way early next week. Here's a picture of my new treasure keeping me company at the comuter and, just for fun, I added some of the knitting quips I've been collecting.

(I don't know if you'll be able to read those.)
Thanks, Ann, for a great idea!